In the quiet moments and in the midst of what seems like chaos, there is a voice within you that whispers.  Can you hear it?  It’s calling you, the real you, the person you were created to be.  And when you stop long enough to listen, its words resound in your heart and soul.  The message is always the same.  “There’s more; there’s a better way.  And it’s yours if you want it.”

Everything hinges on your response to the voice.  You can either drown it out, ignore it, or give attention to it.  Just like Moses at the burning bush, heeding the voice is the first step, but it won’t be the last.  You’ll have to continue to lean in, listen, and follow.  Isaiah 30:21 says, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”  The voice is the Spirit of God drawing you out of the mire of mediocrity to fulfill His magnificent plan for your life.  As promised, He will teach you to profit and take great pleasure in your prosperity.  Watching you grow and flourish will make Him one proud Papa!  It will be just as He imagined before you were born.

God sees Himself in you because you are His child created in His image.  And He wants you to see yourself that same way.  Changing your perspective will change your direction and destiny.  As a child of the King, you will never again be content with a mediocre life.  A powerful, abundant, meaningful, adventurous life in God is your birthright.  It’s time to become who you are!

If you’re ready to begin your journey into the person God created you to be, you’ll need those keys I mentioned earlier (See Overview).  The keys of the kingdom of God are the secret to a magnificent life!  With them, you will bind satan and everything associated with his evil plans.  And with the same keys you will unlock every promise and blessing of your Father.  The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to bring you abundant life.  That’s the life God imagined! Envision Jesus standing before you now.  Without a word, He looks into your eyes, places a chain with four keys around your neck, and then slowly vanishes from sight.  Looking down, you notice that each key is engraved with a single word.  Sensing their significance, you curiously pick up the first key to discover it simply states, “KNOW”.  But what does it mean?  Know what?  It seems mysterious, but, fortunately, it has been given to you and I to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God.  So in our next time together, let’s explore its meaning together.

Until next time,