Welcome back!  Are you ready to begin unraveling the mystery of the first key?  Me, too!  Let’s begin by thinking about this…

When a baby is born into the royal family in England, like any other child it has no idea who it is, what family it belongs to, and what it all means.  There are so many things to be learned. As he or she grows, along with the usual milestones of development very important knowledge will be imparted.  This child will discover its royal heritage and be trained in the ways of royalty.  He/she must learn the principles and laws of the kingdom, as well as the conduct becoming a member of the royal family.  And as the child continues to grow, no matter what they do and how many mistakes they make along the way, nothing will change who they are and their parents’ love for them. In due time, though, all the knowledge and training will accomplish its intended purpose.  The royal heir will come to understand and appreciate the value of his/her upbringing and begin to walk in their noble identity and destiny.

As believers, we are no different.  Despite our position as joint heirs with Christ and our Father’s unconditional love for us, without the proper knowledge and training we will never manifest as sons and daughters of God.  We will sleepwalk through life without fully understanding who we are and why we are here.  As a result, we will settle for so much less than our royal heritage affords.

That’s why the first key to living the life God imagined is “KNOW”.  We must know our Father and the family we’ve been reborn into.  We must accept our rightful position as God’s sons and daughters and learn to operate within the principles that govern His kingdom.  As heirs, we must understand the privileges, rights, and blessings that are ours, also recognizing that with these blessings comes great responsibility.  We will learn to walk as children of light, developing character and conduct in keeping with our spiritual identity.  As children of God and ambassadors of His kingdom, we can and should live a life that displays His splendor!  That life begins by pursuing the knowledge of God and His ways.

So, how do we gain such important knowledge?  Where do we go to receive the necessary training in the ways of our Father’s kingdom?  First and foremost, we receive it through God’s word, the Bible.  Although not the only means, it is His most direct form of communication to us.  Through His word, He reveals Himself to us and unveils the mystery of who we are in Him.  He trains us “in the way we should go” so that we can live the magnificent life He planned for us.

Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matt. 4:4)  In the Bible, to live or have life means more than just being alive.  It means to experience fullness of life, abundant life.  Life is always associated with blessing.  Our lives are nourished and sustained by listening to God’s words. Moses implored the children of Israel to heed God’s words saying, “They are not just idle words for you– they are your life.”  He was saying that God’s words are the key to His blessings!  He went on to say. “By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.” (Deut. 32:47, NIV) That land was the Promised Land.  How would you like to live long enjoying everything God has promised you?  I know I would!

God’s promises are a revelation of His desire for you.  In His word, God not only reveals His good intentions toward you, He shows you how to make those intentions become reality.  His word lights the way.  As David declared, His word is a light to our path.  Psalm 16:11 calls it “the path of life.”  You may be alive, but are you on the path of life, a life worth living?  If not, God has a solution.  It begins with knowing His word, the word He has spoken over you and to you.

Look at the life of David.  When he was just a young boy, God proclaimed His intention for David to become the next king of Israel.  But it didn’t happen immediately.  There was a path and a process to see it come to pass, and it began with knowing what God had spoken.  From there, the Lord continued to light David’s path, teaching him His ways, and preparing him for kingship.  In due time, David did, indeed, become king of Israel.  The Bible says he “served God’s purpose in His generation.” (Acts 13:36, NIV)  Now that’s a life worth living and a legacy worth leaving!  It’s the life God imagined!

I have more to share on this subject, but for now I hope you will meditate on these thoughts and spend time in His word.  Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about the life God imagines for you.  I’ll be praying for you.

Until next time,