Hello again! So happy to continue our time together! Previously, we examined the significance of the first key to living the life God imagined. If you recall, that key was engraved with the word, “KNOW”. It reminds us to keep God’s word in our eyes, hearts, and minds continually. Knowing His word sets our feet on the path toward the good life He has for us!

But there is a second key on the chain around our necks that is just as important. This key is marked with the word “BELIEVE”, and its power in your life cannot be overstated. Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible…” So, believing removes impossibility! You must know what God says, but just knowing is not enough. It’s believing that produces the effect He intends. First Thessalonians 2:13 says that the word of God effectively works in you who believe. His word is always true, but it isn’t always effective because of a lack of faith on our part. Unbelief makes His word unproductive in our lives. Hebrews 4:2 states, “But the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.” So, we determine whether or not we profit from the word we hear when we choose to believe, or not to believe. Unbelief limits the manifestation of God’s plans, purposes, and promises in our lives. Fortunately, the opposite is also true!

Faith is the catalyst that unleashes the power of God in your life. It is the “substance of things hoped for”! Believing turns hope into reality. It is the bridge from the unseen to the seen. After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He said to Martha, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?” Everything hinges on believing God, and He has left that part up to us. The choice to believe, or not believe, is ours to make.

Would you like to see the seemingly impossible become possible? Then believe God! Things that are impossible to man are not impossible to God. That’s why this key is so precious. What else in the world makes everything possible? What an incredibly powerful gift we’ve been given, and it’s a gift we all have! God has given us all the ability to believe. (See Romans 12:3)

Living the life God imagined for you will require you to believe Him for impossible things. We can either limit God through unbelief or loose God through faith. Yes, God is all-powerful, but by His own design, He releases His power in response to our faith. The children of Israel “limited the Holy One of Israel” through their unbelief and unfaithfulness. (See Psalm 78:41) Even Jesus’ mighty works were limited on occasion “because of their unbelief”. (See Matthew 13:58) Choose to believe God and allow Him to do mighty works in your life!

All things are possible for those who believe! Meditate on that truth, and we will talk more about this amazing key in our next time together.

Until then,
