Welcome, so glad you stopped by because I have great news!  God has a magnificent life in store for you! My name is Dianne Reed, and my heart’s desire is to help you live the life God imagined!  If you are anything like I used to be, you are more than a little frustrated with mediocrity. Perhaps your life’s taken a few unexpected turns, your high hopes are sinking fast, and you feel powerless to do anything about it.  Whatever your story, I can surely identity with your frustration and your desire for more.

Over 20 years ago, I found myself in the exact same place and that’s where my personal journey began.  Just like you, I knew there had to be a better way and I was desperate to find it. I sought God’s help, and not surprisingly, He answered!  What He taught me has changed my outlook and my outcome, and now I want to help you change yours! If what I’m saying is speaking your language, then it’s no coincidence you are here, and I’m glad you are.  

I’d love to get to know you; I bet we have a lot of things in common.  Just in case you’re curious, here’s a little bit about me. Although I don’t possess any theological degrees, I do possess a passion for God and His word, and love sharing my passion with others.  My “sweet spot” is speaking to groups of people, teaching them the truths that transformed my life. While I don’t consider myself a writer, I have published a book on this topic, From Mediocrity to Magnificence.  That fact, in and of itself, is proof that miracles still exist!  

On a more personal level, I am blessed to be mom to three grown children and ‘Nonni’ to 10 grandchildren whom I adore!  Among my other favorite things in life are slow, easy mornings, pontoon rides on the lake, relaxing walks on the beach, lunch with my girlfriends, and listening to my favorite music.  I am not a particularly good cook, but I do love to eat, especially home cooking, southern style. And I enjoy living a healthy lifestyle (although the previous sentence might seem to contradict that idea) including taking a weekly exercise class at my local gym.  

Okay, so enough about me.  One day I hope to get to know you, and look forward to hearing your story.  For now, I would be honored to have you join me on the journey of a lifetime.  Your future is waiting, and it is limitless! Let’s live the life God imagined and change our world together!