Did you know that God has an imagination?  Maybe you’ve never thought about it, but everything God creates, He first imagines.  Imagination is where ideas and dreams are born and plans are made.  That is true for both God and man because we are created in His image.

Before God created you, He envisioned your life.  Not only that, but He wrote down all the details in His book.  God dreamed about you, penned His vision for your life, and then brought you into existence.  How do I know this?  Because the Bible tells me so!  Psalm 139:16 (NLT) says, “You saw me before I was born.  Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”  God told Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  In Jeremiah 29:11, He says to His people, “For I know the plans I have for you…”  There’s just no doubt, before our natural conception took place on earth, there was a divine vision recorded in heaven…a plan, a dream, a purpose for each of us.

Your Father designed a life for you that is both unique and magnificent!  While our individual paths will differ, the life God imagines for us all is full of His goodness.  Psalm 1:3 paints a picture of just how He wants your life to flourish…“like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings for its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper.”  He reiterates His vision for each of us again in Jeremiah 17:8 (NLT).  “For they are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.  Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought.  Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”  I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of life I want to lead!  Prosperous in every sense of the word despite the external pressures and problems in the world.

But unfortunately, most of us are not living that kind of life. So, why not?  If that’s God’s plan, then why isn’t that our experience?  Because the life God imagined for us does not automatically come to pass.  It’s available, but not automatic.  You see, His promises reveal His intention and desire.  And although God is sovereign, He doesn’t impose His will on us.  He has given us the freedom to choose or reject the life He imagined.  And surprisingly enough, receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior doesn’t guarantee you will fully live the life He imagined for you on earth.  Let me explain.

Jesus is the Door to the kingdom of God, the only Door.  Through Him you gain access to everything His kingdom has to offer, but it doesn’t ensure you will obtain it all.  Yes, your eternal home will be in heaven, but you could still miss out on a lot between now and then.  How much of His goodness you experience in this life is really up to you!  You can either live the magnificent life He imagined, or settle for mediocrity.  The choice is yours.

To be fair, most people don’t consciously choose to live a mediocre life, but stumble into it by default because they simply don’t know any better.  They’re doing the best they can to live the American dream or follow their own dream, hoping and praying that God will bless it.  But to chase after anything other than God’s dream is to settle for mediocrity.  And while your own dream may feel right and even create a comfortable lifestyle, it will only leave you frustrated and unfulfilled in the end.

The life God imagined doesn’t mean a problem-free life, but He will take even the worst of situations and work them together for good.  He makes all things possible, turning things around to your advantage and for His glory!  Regardless of your past or current circumstances, you can live a magnificent life of power, abundance, purpose, and adventure with God.  It’s never too late; He’s still waiting to see His dream come true for you!  What about you?  Are you ready to unlock God’s dream and live the life He imagined?  It’s really simple.  All you need are the right keys!

Jesus said that He’s given us the keys of the kingdom of God so that whatever we unlock on earth will be released in heaven. That’s how we cause His dream for us to become reality on earth. All we need to do is use our keys to unlock the life He imagined and see it come to pass.  Are you interested?  Want to know more about these powerful keys?  Then head over to Kingdom Keys now!

Want to get the full story now?  Read the book, From Mediocrity to Magnificence!