kingdom keys

Know the Word


Hello again! So happy to continue our time together! Previously, we examined the significance of the first key to living the life God imagined. If you recall, that key was engraved with the word, “KNOW”. It reminds us to keep God’s word in our eyes, hearts, and minds continually. Knowing His word sets our feet […] Read more…

Know the Word – Part 3

Hey friends, I hope you’ve had some time to consider the thoughts I’ve shared with you so far about our first key engraved with “KNOW”.  Today, I want to pick up where we left off in Part 2.  If you recall, we discussed how David’s path to becoming the king of Israel began with knowing […] Read more…

Know the Word – Part 2

Welcome back!  Are you ready to begin unraveling the mystery of the first key?  Me, too!  Let’s begin by thinking about this… When a baby is born into the royal family in England, like any other child it has no idea who it is, what family it belongs to, and what it all means.  There […] Read more…

Know the Word – Part 1

In the quiet moments and in the midst of what seems like chaos, there is a voice within you that whispers.  Can you hear it?  It’s calling you, the real you, the person you were created to be.  And when you stop long enough to listen, its words resound in your heart and soul.  The […] Read more…